NSG recently completed the phase two implementation NSG Port Solution at the Port of Stockton for their web mapping application called geoPORTal. This update included several new, robust tools. Port of Stockton staff can now use the Events Planning tools to plan special events and draw security action plans, submit map data feedback, find geolinked documents directly in the map, submit incident reports from mobile devices and perform mobile inspections.
With so much new technology, the Port immediately recognized that their staff should receive intensive training and followed that training with a 16 lesson course called the geoPORTal Academy. Every other week, all port staff received a new, short geoPORTal lesson via e-mail and every few lessons were prompted to take a short, online quiz about the previous lessons.

Port of Stockton Executive Director Richard Aschieris gives geoPORTal Academy Grand Prize to Officer David McConnell
At the end of the Academy, the Port held an awards ceremony. All staff members who participated in the Academy received a geoPORTal Academy insulated sipper cup. Staff members who answered every quiz question correctly were entered for a drawing to win the grand prize, an iPod Touch, and a runner up prize, a $25 gift card. NSG would like extend our congratulations to the grand prize winner, Port of Stockton Police Department Officer David McConnell and to the runner up prize winner, Port of Stockton Police Department member Tim Ivey, as well as all the participants of the geoPORTal Academy!